K r style emacs manual
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This is a GNU Emacs mode for editing files containing C, C++, Objective-C, and Java code. k&r -- The classic Kernighan and Ritchie style for C code. GNU Emacs Manual. For information on extending Emacs, see Emacs Lisp. Emacs comes with several predefined styles, including gnu , k&r , bsd After you finish this chapter, you can dive in the Emacs Lisp manually if you Available C style: ;; “gnu”: The default style for GNU projects ;; “k&r”:Styles, for a complete description. Emacs comes with several predefined styles, including gnu , k&r , bsd , stroustrup , linux , python , java , whitesmith , This manual documents the use and simple customization of the Emacs. editor. Incremental search on a slow terminal uses a modi ed style of display. This manual is for CC Mode in Emacs. k&r. The classic Kernighan and Ritchie style for C code. Subsequent lines in a K&R C argument declaration. This is a GNU Emacs mode for editing files containing C, C++, Objective-C, Java, and CORBA k&r -- The classic Kernighan and Ritchie style for C code. Emacs comes with several predefined indentation styles for C and related modes, including gnu , k&r , bsd , stroustrup , linux , python , java , whitesmith Styles, for a complete description. Emacs comes with several predefined styles, including gnu , k&r , bsd , stroustrup , linux , python , java , whitesmith ,
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